Ryan Hamilton is otherwise known as HammyTV. He’s a YouTube filmmaker who makes videos for his channel that are either silly pranks or social experiments, shedding light on a particular subject. This, his latest stunt, is kind of like a mixture of the two. It’s a vaping prank that starts off about the placebo effect, but then becomes about uncovering a gold digger…
The premise is simple. Ryan’s set up a fake Tinder account where he lures girls with the promise of a free smoke. The idea is that he offers them a vape that has cannabis oil in it. Only the oil doesn’t contain weed at all. The effect is still real, though – at least to the girls!
He’s done these videos before, but this one? He picks up a gold digger that has to be see to be believed… And boy does she get crazy!
She got what was coming, alright! Check out what happened right here:
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