This Is What Happens When You Stop Making Love. Number 3 Really Scared Me!

As doctors frequently tell us, sex is fantastic for human beings. Not only does it boost our mood, it is great for our bodies. So what happens when we go without sex? Here are eight ways why abstaining from relations can be bad for our health.

1. You get sick more often

Having sex frequently help boost the immune system. So, going without it means that it is easier for germs to enter our blood system, and for us to fall foul of infections. Having colds frequently? You may not be getting enough sex!

2. Stress levels rise

Sex is a great stress buster. Making love releases hormones which keep us happy and make us relax. So without regular release, anxiety and low mood can become a problem.


3. It is harder to get aroused

The natural assumption is that the longer you go without sex, the easier it is to get aroused. The opposite is actually the case. Further, going without intercourse can make make it harder for one to reach orgasm.

4. Your dreams change

If you go without sex for a long time, your dreams can start to become very strange. Furthermore, they will frequently involve sex and orgasm. Perhaps this is the body subconsciously telling you to get frisky more often!


5. You lose your sex drive

Continued abstinence from sex can see hormone levels lower, and one’s libido plummet. So, if you go without sex long enough, you might find that you no longer want it.

6. You’ll feel more distant from your significant other

If the lack of sex is within a relationship, you will begin to feel space between yourself and your partner. Regular sex is a must within a healthy relationship.


7. It lowers self-confidence

Not being sexually desired can, understandably, make people feel inferior about themselves. If we do not feel sexually attractive, we question our self-worth, and this can lead to depression.

8. Your risk of cancer increases

The prostate is responsible for producing semen in men. If this semen is not flushed out regularly, cancer can actually develop in the gland. So sex can save your life!

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