Asheville, North Carolina. A sickening story played out after a mother went to temporarily live with her son and his wife and child. While residing at the residence, 45 year-old Melissa Nell Kitchens begun an illegal and morally reprehensible affair with her biological son.
She now faces a felony charge of incest after warrants tell of her having had s*x with her son, 25 year-old Shaun Thomas Pfeiffer, back in August of this year. He was also charged. His charges being one count of the felony of incest, as well as charges including: indecent liberties with a child, being intoxicated and disruptive and communicating threats.
Shaun’s spouse, Shannon Roman, was apparently oblivious to their affair and would often be sleeping in the couple’s bed while her husband paid middle-of-the-might visits to the guest room where his mother slept.
On a picture of Shaun Pfeiffer and his young son posted to his Facebook page, she wrote: “I can’t get over How Handsome You Are.”
Normal for a mom to call her son ‘handsome’? Sure. normal for her to then conduct a s*xual affair with him in his home while his wife and young son sleep? Nope! Not even in North Carolina.
Here’s more on the vile story:
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