A young teenage couple from Russia who run away together ended up playing out a deadly shootout with police which ended in tragedy. The pair laughed as they shot at a police truck and frolicked with guns, before taking their own lives.
“Russians don’t surrender.” Pskov-based Denis repeats over and over. “If we don’t surrender, we die. But if we surrender, we will never see each other again…” His girlfriend Katya is complicit in the crimes and bizarre turn of events and can be seen joking and smiling.
The most unsettling thing about the incident? The 15 year-old couple live streamed the whole thing on Periscope…
In his last social media post, he wrote this: “I loved you, but you do not notice how you destroyed my mind and life. Goodbye all, friends and family, and acquaintances. Do not worry, I will go out in style. Good luck to all in your life and please do not be afraid to live as you want or you see fit. Life is for fun – this is the best life. I love you.”
The live-streaming went on for hours, but some of the more sensational bits have been edited together…