Planet Earth 2’s Iguana Vs. Snake Chase Is Being Called The Greatest TV Moment EVER!

Sir David Attenborough is the world’s most respected and best-loved nature documentary maker. His latest BBC TV series is called Planet Earth 2 and it’s only one episode in… But already people can’t get enough. One particular clip is driving everyone wild. An incredible chase scene between an iguana and a snake!

The show’s editor is taking a lot of the plaudits for the scene. Matthew Meech his name is and he says this about it: “I’m a bit of a movie fanatic so I kind of pick things up from all over the place – big Hitchcock fan, Christopher Nolan, Scorsese Spielberg, etc.”

“But cutting wildlife films are like cutting silent movies, it’s all about action/reaction. Also timing, be it for comedy or thrills. The narration can provide some of this, but you don’t want to make the pictures just wallpaper for the commentary. The shots need to speak for themselves.”


“I really like to find a genre that fits with a sequence if I can, as it’s a subliminal way to ease people into a new story. On Africa (another Attenborough BBC documentary) I cut a sequence with fighting giraffes in the style of a Western, in The Hunt we did a wild dog hunt like a car chase in a Bourne film.”

Seriously, it really IS like a scene from a Bond or Bourne movie!


Here it is. The clip from Planet Earth 2:

And here’s version made all the more entertaining by the always-funny Ozzy Man Reviews:

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