Hampton, Virginia. Police have arrested a thirteen year-old after she attempted to hire the services of a ‘killer clown‘ online. The girl wasn’t clowning around when she tried to get her teacher murdered and she’s now facing charges for it. Specifically, ‘Threatening to Kill by Electronic Message’.
The story comes after a spate of bizarre creepy clowns sightings and incidents all across America have frightened many. The school have been quick to tighten security and allay any fears that pupils and parents might have.
Davis Middle School Parents were set this letter after the incident: “This is Ms. Whiteman, principal of Davis Middle School. In an effort to share accurate information, I would like to provide you with the following facts. Last night, a Davis Middle School student was arrested for making a threat on social media against one of our teachers. No one has been harmed, and the student is in a secured detention facility. At this time, there is no evidence to indicate a threat against others. Please know that we have taken measures to ensure the continued safety of our students and staff. As a precaution, there will be increased officer presence throughout the day at our school.”
What a strange, strange story… These clowns!