It’s said that, over time, a pet and their owner will begin to heavily resemble each other. And, well, that might just be true. The proof? Well, we think we might have some for you right here. It’s a short clip from an actor and comedian who’s quite a big deal over in Brazil. His name is Oscar Filho. And he can do such a good impression of his Boxer that it’s almost impossible to tell the two of them apart!
Alright, that’s a bit of an overstatement. Oscar’s the one on the left. The one wearing clothes. The human. But he still does a top impersonation of his dog Mel. From the facial expression to the licking and slobbering, Filho’s got it down. Even the nudging and yelping… And Mel’s reaction to Oscar’s messing around? Priceless!
It’s great to see them goofing off here and they clearly have a while bunch of fun together. But we ain’t really down with all that licking and kissing. Mel could’ve been licking his butt before this video. Mind you, so could Oscar.
It’s true, pets really do like like their owners… See the proof for yourself: